How Virtual Medical Assistants Save Your Practice Money and Time
As your medical clinic grows, you may find yourself mired in increasing amounts of
administrative and client services work. Hiring a virtual medical assistant means you
can offload the more tedious tasks while enabling you and your staff to focus on
priorities that will help you grow your business.
Ultimately, hiring a medical virtual assistant means saving time and money so you can
build the business and life you love. Here’s how:
More cost-effective compared to internal staff
Minimizing staffing costs is going to be key for healthcares practices that wish to be
cost-efficient. In addition to the increase in salary costs, bringing on more internal staff
also means more associated costs such as equipment.
By hiring a virtual medical assistant, you can avoid these costs and keep your operation
lean. A virtual medical assistant works remotely, which means that you won’t have to
purchase additional equipment or office supplies to accommodate the assistant.
Experience administrative freedom
A virtual medical assistant works remotely and can be tasked with work that may not be
a good use of your or your internal staff’s time. Tasks such as follow-up emails or calls,
filling up procurement forms, making payments for invoices, and calling to
schedule appointments are vital to your clinic and clients, but are time-consuming.
Ideally, you want to be delegating your administrative work and other more menial tasks
to a medical virtual assistant.
Even if you do have internal staff to cover these tasks, in-house staff require statutes
and procedures and additional HR work, on top of the existing administrative work and
ongoing client care. A virtual medical assistant is the most cost-effective option, since it
means you’re only paying for the work assigned.
The bottom line is this: a medical virtual assistant frees up your time to focus on growing
your healthcare practice, and building a life you love.
Free up time to take care of patients

A major bottleneck we see in many healthcare practices is that the doctors’ time is
occupied with time-consuming, cumbersome tasks. If a healthcare practice is small, a
doctor may have to take on the work of calling and scheduling calls with patients.
Needless to say, this isn’t a good use of a doctor’s time and doesn’t allow the doctor to
work to their full ability.
By hiring a medical virtual assistant, you can delegate the time-consuming tasks and
allow doctors to spend time addressing more complex issues with their patients. This
means doctors can be more effective and focused, while patients benefit from receiving
the best of care.
Deliver high level of customer service and support
If your patients receive poor customer service or an otherwise unsatisfactory
experience, you’ll find out after it’s too late through negative online reviews or feedback.
You’ll likely lose the patients permanently. To prevent this from happening, it’s best to
deliver stellar customer service and care from the beginning. By hiring a medical virtual
assistant who can be wholly focused on customer care (e.g. arranging appointments,
soliciting and receiving feedback, etc.), your patients will receive a higher quality of
customer service. This dedicated and focused customer service will help you retain
patients, grow your revenue stream, and establish a robust, positive reputation in the

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